Before you arrive, call our 24-hour hotline at (585) 234-0252 for picking conditions, picking updates, hours & pricing.

Typical Season
Mid-July - Late August

Approximate Harvest Dates:
July 10 - July 27
It is best to pick raspberries in the morning while temps are cooler before the berries absorb the heat from the sun.
Always cool your berries down quickly after harvesting to prolong storage capability.
Never pick berries when they are wet, such as after it rains. Moisture on the berries after harvest can accelerate decomposition.
Red Raspberries
Black Raspberries
How to pick a raspberry?
Grasp a raspberry gently but firmly with your fingertips.
Gently pull away from the stem.
​The raspberry should release easily and completely from the white core which remains attached to the plant.
Fingers should remain clean. Fingertips covered in berry stains are an easy way to tell you are grasping the berries too tightly, pulling too hard (indicating berries are underripe), or selecting overripe berries.
How to tell when a raspberry is ripe?
A ripe raspberry should be red all the way around (or black all the way around), without any white or pink spots.
Ripe fruit should be firm, but not hard.
A ripe raspberry pulls off easily from the core.

Approximate Harvest Dates:
July 14 - August 30
Find blueberries that are blue all the way around, ones that are not white and yellow at the bottom.
It is best to pick blueberries in the morning and evening.
Never pick berries when they are wet, such as after it rains. Moisture on the berries after harvest can accelerate decomposition.
If you don't want to eat them right away after picking them, the best thing to do is put them in a refrigerator.
If blueberries are picked when they are still purple they will continue to ripen if left on the counter.
Blue Jay
Blue Crop
How to pick a blueberry?​​
Look inside the plant because some of the best blueberries will be hidden behind the leaves.
Grasp a blueberry soft with your hands​.
Fingers should remain clean. Fingertips covered in berry stains are an easy way to tell you are grasping the berries too tightly, pulling too hard (indicating berries are underripe), or selecting overripe berries.
How to tell when a blueberry is ripe?
A ripe blueberry should be blue all the way around without any white or yellow spots at the bottom.
A ripe blueberry should detached from the stem.

Approximate Harvest Dates:
Late July
Currants develop in clusters that are easily picked.
Red currants have tender skins that will tear when picked.​
Red currants can range from deep red to pink to almost yellow in color.
Red Currants
Pink Currants
How to pick a currant?​​
Twist the cluster off the branch first, then strip the berries from the cluster.
The best time is when they are firm and juicy.
Fingers should remain clean. Fingertips covered in berry stains are an easy way to tell you are grasping the berries too tightly, pulling too hard (indicating berries are underripe), or selecting overripe berries.​
How to tell when a currant is ripe?
A ripe red currant should be all the way red.
It will not get ripe or sweet once picked.

Approximate Harvest Dates:
Late July
Gooseberries are not difficult to pick.
These fruits come in many textures - smooth, fuzzy, spiny, opaque, and translucent, but always with a taut skin.
When picking, look for full-grown gooseberries. Varieties usually reach about half-inch long in size.
Green Gooseberries
Red Gooseberries
How to pick a gooseberry?​​
Hold the gooseberry gently between your thumb and forefinger, and twist it slightly to detach it from the stem.​
Fingers should remain clean. Fingertips covered in berry stains are an easy way to tell you are grasping the berries too tightly, pulling too hard (indicating berries are underripe), or selecting overripe berries.
How to tell when a gooseberry is ripe?
A ripe gooseberry should be slightly soft to the touch but not mushy.
Discard any gooseberries you see on the ground as they are likely overripe.

Approximate Harvest Dates:
Late July
How to pick a jostaberry?​​
​Hold the jostaberry gently between your thumb and forefinger, and twist it slightly to detach it from the stem.​
Fingers should remain clean. Fingertips covered in berry stains are an easy way to tell you are grasping the berries too tightly, pulling too hard (indicating berries are underripe), or selecting overripe berries.
How to tell when a jostaberry is ripe?
When they are fully colored, reddish-black, black or dark purple, and soft.

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